Pasture Chicken

Nutritious Food + New Pasture Daily = Cluck Ya!

What is the Difference Even?

We know its a lot to read but well worth it!

Our Pasture Chicken


Once out of the Brooder, the safe warm place they live while getting strong enough to get out in the field, they enjoy FRESH grasses and pasture.


Our birds are fed a NON GMO NON DISSENTED feed base (includes peas, Barley, etc).

They also get a full spectrum diet which was created by the nutritionalists at Fretrell Nutrition in the USA, these are the same people Joel Salatin uses. We add in their Poultry NutraBalancer, Calcium, and NON GMO Organic Roasted Soy Beans for essential fats and proteins.

Our lovely chickens also get to forage on the pastures and eat all the little bugs and critters they can find.

This feed ration is not cheap to achieve but extremely worth it in the end product which we are consuming.

Cost for Customer and our Profit

Our total feed costs come to $0.55/lbs

These birds will eat about 15lbs of feed during their lifetime

$0.55/lbs x 15lbs = $8.25

It costs us about $3.00 For a day old chick

Total cost to raise the bird on this full spectrum NON GMO feed ration = $11.25

Slaughter, Butcher, Packaging cost = $5/bird (we do this all on site to ensure the birds are not overstressed by driving them around and we do not want to rely on other people with our product)

Average whole chicken cost to the customer on a finished amazing package whole chicken is about $25.00 on average

We also put organic apple cider vinegar and occasionally garlic into their water to ensure great gut health for our animals and an increased immune system! Lets call that a cost of $1.00/bird

Our “profit” is about $8 per bird which pays us for daily moving of the chickens and other associated costs not talked about here (bedding for brooder, building of the chicken tractors, packaging, marketing, accountants etc)

End Product


Conventional Chicken


Shoved tightly into a brooder house and then taken into the chicken house where they will not get direct sun or any grasses throughout their lives.

Kept in small cages or packed so tightly into houses they cant move which is good since they are usually unable to walk or flap their wings anyway.


Cheapest garbage they can find

Force fed into the birds

Extremely high calorie making unhealthy birds, just like if people eat a high calorie diet filled with garbage ingredients.

Yes, some claim these houses have doors to which the chickens can go outside and get some sunlight. The truth is they are packed so tightly into these houses they do not have a shot of making it outside.

Cost to the Customer

When looking at the costs of these conventionally farmed chicken remember the process they have to go to to get to the check out line at your local grocer and how they can do that for the amount of money you are paying!

They need to buy the day old chicks, raise them in their brooder until they are strong enough to enter the chicken houses, they need to vaccinate and fill with antibiotics because their environment for lack of a better word sucks, they need to feed the birds, pay their employees, they need to transport them to the slaughter house, pay for slaughter and butcher, package, transport to grocery store, then the grocery store needs to make a profit as well… see where I am going with this?

Where do they cut costs to make money?

Yes many will say its pure quantity where they make their cash but with more animals that means less management per animal creating a nutrient deficient product which is consumed at mass. They cut costs on feed, and environment which overall costs you your health and well being.

More livestock + Less management = Fake Food / Health issues for you and your family

So overall you are paying $10 – $20 (and constantly rising) for literally nothing but problems

End Product

Massive Health Issues, Fatigue, Overeating, and ZERO Return on Investment

How is Creating Actual Chicken Accomplished?

Mobile Chicken Tractors

By moving our birds daily onto new pasture we create a beautiful fully symbiotic relationship between the birds (happy chickenie lives), our pastures (chicken poop fertilizer), and us (nutritious clean food)!

We make all the “tractors” on site. What are some benefits other than giving us beautiful bountiful meat:

-Safe environment from predators

-The ability to be on clean untainted land each and everyday

-Constant ability to be in the sun to ensure their hormones are balanced

-Gives the chickens actual lives in which they can fulfil all of their deepest chickenie needs and wants

How do we use these “Tractors”?

We create varying sizes of mobile pens that are hand pulled across our fields every single day. We ensure the square footage for each bird is above the “regulated” guidelines dictated by… well the same people that allow these birds to be packed into chicken houses to live out miserable lives and create nutrient deficient food.

Each tractor has a hanging food trough and waterers to ensure even more cleanliness of their food. While living their happy little lives they poop onto our pastures giving them the perfect fertilizer to ensure next season the birds will have even better environments then the last!

Sounds So Great I can’t Even Wait!

Cost Break Down for Orders

5 Chickens


$50 non refundable deposit

Approx. 22.5lbs of chicken for approx. of $135

Base Cost

10 Chickens


$100 non refundable deposit

Approx. 45lbs of chicken for approx. $256

5% Savings!

20 Chickens


$200 non refundable deposit

Approx. 90lbs of chicken for approx. $486

10% Savings!

40 Chickens Plus


$400 non refundable deposit

Approx. 180lbs of chicken for approx. $918

15% Savings!

Wait a Minute, How and When do I Receive these Beautiful Birds?!


There are Three Harvests Per Year which are:

End of June / Early July, Mid August, End of September

Orders of more than ten will be distributed throughout the three harvests. All orders may be distributed over the three if large amounts of small sales occur

On Farm Pick Up

Free to you as the customer

You get to visit the farm and actually see where the food you are putting into your mouth comes from

If you would like a guided tour this will need to be scheduled as it takes time to properly show the processes and ecosystems created. We will be finishing up your fresh whole perfectly packaged chicken on harvest days.


Three times a year correlating with harvest dates to a central location in Edmonton, Edson, or other surrounding communities when there are multiple customers

Cost $20 per delivery – Covers Gas and other Expenses

Payment methods Accepted

Cash on Pick Up

We will give you a complete invoice with proper charges for the weight of your birds when harvested

E-Transfer for Deposits

This helps our upfront costs and ensure we do not end up with a surplus of birds not picked up when ready!

Payment instructions received after ordering