Ethically Raised Pasture Cluck, Oink, Gobble and Moo Directly from Our Farm to You!
Always great to have company on the farm!

We want to welcome you to our little site where you are able to get nutritious REAL FOOD and see us grow along the way!
No Sprays, No Chemical Fertilizers, No nothing on our Land other than what our good God provided us Baby!

Know Your Farmers!
Alanna SMALL and Tom FRY (see how we came up with the name wink wink) set out from the city in a search for something better and more fulfilling. We love raising the animals but we also have a deep running passion to feed as many people as we can with REAL FOOD!
What Do We Do?
Regenerative Farming
By utilizing intensive livestock management we ensure we get all that amazing, fruitful, perfect POOP where we want it on our pastures.
Rejuvenating the soil in our pastures while building a ecological base that will be utilized for decades or even centuries to come!
By feeding our animals with a full spectrum diet including minerals and vitamins we ensure they are health as an Ox (might have to get one of those!) and that our pastures are remineralized and vitamated (made that word up) to ensure our little ecosystems are of the best quality and integrity for all our critters and us!
No Vets Needed
By rotating different species of animals on our pastures we ensure parasites and other harmful entities are cleaned since none of these issues can go from one species to the other. Pair that with giving the pastures time to rejuvenate and we ensure our end products never had any vaccinations, antibiotics, or other medical interventions needed because we pride ourselves on intensive management that ensures a perfect environment for everything good and a horrible environment for all those little nasties.
So What Do we Do?
We build that soil baby! Its vitally important.
After months of study we were ready to leave the city and to start making our dream into reality.
We are working to renovate the homestead while taking steps to finally being OFF GRID!
We burn wood for heat, We have a hand pump for our well if the power goes out, and we are working on getting solar power to ensure we are as self sufficient as possible
Some of the blog posts we will have:
-Canning, Recipes, Deliciousness
-Hunting (Deer and Birds and Stuff)
-Wood Gathering
-Building Cool Stuff

(click a green button below for more info)
Pasture Poultry

Pasture Pork

Grass Fed Beef

Where are we located?
The Farm is South of Wildwood Alberta Canada. We are about an hour and a few minutes west of Edmonton and Central to Edson, Whitecourt / Mayerthorp, Drayton Valley, and Stony Plain / Spruce Grove